Part of Out of the Wings Festival
“Never, ever close your eyes.
There’s a trap behind everything, even behind every dream.
It’s not about being alert and spoiling the earth with suspicion. It’s the opposite. It’s about seeing where others don’t see.”
High above the city, a woman balances on a tightrope, listening for the music that helps her to focus and not to fall.
Then, He arrives and takes her away from the city she loves, the sea, and her fear of falling. They keep on meeting: at a dance, at a police station, at the circus. She has to choose, but what? Love or death, the past or the future, to leave him behind or to stay? The protagonist resolves to open her eyes, embrace life and laugh in the face of death. For the first time she recognizes and voices the contradictions in illness, love, maternity, fear, loss and power.
In Her Open Eyes, award-winning Uruguayan playwright Raquel Diana creates a lyrical portrayal of female experience, resilience and creativity in the face of life and death.
Raquel Diana (Uruguay)
Sophie Stevens
Fran Olivares