Since opening its doors Omnibus Theatre has been committed to providing schools with accessible opportunities through our School Bus programme. Whether it be delivering in-school drama workshops, creating unforgettable class experiences or sharing work’s in progress, Omnibus Theatre wants to hear from your school!

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School Workshops

We deliver drama workshops for primary schools that can cover an array of topics dependent on the needs of the school. These workshops can; enhance the curriculum, build interpersonal skills and much much more! Led by our specialist facilitators these workshops are able to be delivered as one-offs, weekly or termly.

We currently deliver weekly workshops with Reception to Year five at Iqra VA Primary School. Terms have focused on community and what it means to be a Lambeth resident; designed in response to the schools request to for us to create a programme that aided community cohesion. Classes have then gone on to focus on covering the schools PSHE programme as well as directing their whole school production. All topics accumulate in a termly production that is performed to family, friends and members of the school community.

Theatre Trips

Our work-in-progress invitations have helped to place local children at the heart of the development of new work. We invite classes to watch and feedback on theatre shows – most recently, 135 children (aged 6-10) from Sudbourne Primary School came to see work-in-progress versions of Perfect by Tessa Bide, My Dad the Magician by Tom Adams, and The King with Dirty Feet by Sally Pomme Clayton (all Associate Artists with Omnibus Theatre).