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Omnibus Lists | An Intern’s Top 5 Strong Greek Goddesses

By December 19, 2019No Comments

Hi! I’m Andria, the marketing intern from the States. I’ve been researching Greek mythology in order to prepare for next season’s show Maidens, Myths & Monsters. During this research I realized how many strong and empowering women there are in Greek mythology. So to celebrate the women in these myths I have compiled a list of 5 strong goddesses who inspire me to release my inner goddess.


Nike comes in at number 5. She is the inspiration for the popular shoe brand and the symbol for the Olympics. In mythology, Nike is known as the goddess of speed, strength, and victory. During the Titan war Nike allied herself with Zeus and was his champion charioteer. When the war was won she was given seat, rank, and protection from Olympus.


The goddess of magic and all things supernatural comes in at number four. Hecate assisted in the search for Persephone when she was taken to the underworld by lighting torches for Demeter. Hecate became one of Persephone’s closest friends when she would return from the Underworld. As Hecate is associated with night, she often shows up with many different goddesses specifically Selene, the goddess of the moon, and Artemis, the goddess of the hunt.


Hera, the queen of the gods and the wife and sister of Zeus, comes in at number 3. In Greek mythology, she is known to be the goddess of marriage and birth even though her marriage was always tumultuous. She was known to be vengeful towards the many lovers and offspring of her husband. Hera was also known as the protector of mortal women.


Artemis is known as the goddess of wild hunt and the twin sister of Apollo. She is also known as the goddess of wild animals, wilderness, childbirth, and virginity. She was the protector of the young children and was known to bring and relieve disease in young women. She guarded her virginity fiercely and those who tried to dishonour her met with violent ends.


Themis was the Titan goddess of divine law, order, and customs. Themis was the counsellor of Zeus and she often had the opportunity to preside and bring order to all assemblies of the gods. She was also Zeus’ first wives and she birthed the fates. Themis was also known for her ability to see the future and she prophesied the fall of the titans and was even called the goddess of oracles.


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