Inspired by writer and actor Tom Manning’s experiences growing up autistic in a world built for neurotypicals, Invisible Animal follows Tom as he faces up to his internalised ableism. Tom lives in the world of good morning BAZINGAs, John Cena hand movements and cries of ‘ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?’. Tom is challenged by the alter egos that help him navigate a neurotypical world that often fails to see him as the person he really is.
This is a show for the nerdy film buffs and weight-lifting bros. This is a show for people who exist as different versions at different times in different places, in multitudes that risk spinning out of control. This show is for you and for us
This show has been created by a majority team of autistic and neurodiverse artists and creatives. All shows are captioned in English and performed in a relaxed environment. A breakout space for audience members will be provided, with more access information available here.