Presented by Sarah Corbett

Set against the backdrop of a golden age of swimming, The Swimmer is a comic, one-woman physical theatre show about swimming to France.

This is a work-in-progress showing with a post show discussion. It is an invitation to take part in the development of The Swimmer and to help it find it’s sea legs.

Our athlete of the imagination meets the swimming suffragettes who pioneered a popular pursuit. She celebrates a golden age of swimming and the spirit of the Lido, which championed collective wellbeing with its forward thinking and ambitious concept: rejuvenating air, sun and water. Our storyteller emerges from her modesty hut at a poolside of nostalgic optimism

With dollops of goose fat and a glint of foolhardy eccentricity (that characterises this gusty little nation) she sets out alone on an epic adventure. Charting the Great Swim she struggles to stay on course and a frank and funny personal tale emerges.

5 Jan 2019



Unreserved seating

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