Witches don’t identify as ‘white’ or ‘black’ in the magickal sense. The world would have us call witches good or bad, but we’re all morally grey, like most humans. The next time someone tells you that they are a Christian; try asking them if they are good or evil.
I think you misspelled magic…
Magick is sometimes spelled with a ‘k’. It differentiates stage magic from universal magick, which is using the natural forces around us to bring about change.
But you’re evil, right?
It’s not generally accepted to ‘bend another’s will’ so nope, no evil stuff going on. Witches often use the phrase ‘an it harm none’ at the end of their spellworking.
Does the bad stuff you do come back three times worse?
The rule of three is a karmic idea, so rather than stopping people from being bad, it mostly encourages us to do good.
You worship Satan!
Witches aren’t Christians and they don’t believe in God, so they don’t believe in Satan either. Duh. Mostly, they worship a bunch of different gods and goddesses and some (like me) just see those as a Jungian extension of our own minds.
Do you run around naked?
Yes, we do run around naked, that one is true. But not all the time, not necessarily everyone and it would depend on your coven and the people in it. It could be for every meeting, or just for special occasions. So, the same rules as a group holiday with your friends, probably.
You’re all goths.
Not all witches are goths. I mean, a lot of them are, but not all of them. That tasteful lady in her mid-50s at your office job; she dances around skyclad in the moonlight with her friends sometimes. For some people witch is how they’d like other people to see them, for others, witch is how they secretly are, just for themselves.
Do you ride around on broomsticks?
I don’t, but I have taken some recreational drugs in my life. Withes didn’t need broomsticks to fly, they got high. Broom handles served as a good applicator for hallucinogenic balms way back when. They’d avoid the nausea and other side-effects by other means of ingesting hemlock, nightshade, henbane and mandrake…
Women are witches and men are wizards or warlocks, right?
Nope. Men can be witches too and when they are witches they are also called witches.